3d Sk Human Anatomy Ref 11
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The misson of this site is to provide anatomy references for artists like me, who are looking for the right way of creating fantasy and reality trough the art. It is not designed for violation of copyrights. Some of 3D anatomy pictures on this site I downloaded from internet but most of them was submited by visitors of this site ... If you own copyright of some of these photos, please write me and I will give you credit and link or remove your pics immediatly. Thanks info@fineart.sk.
When you are doing something new references are very important, the more confident you are at a task the less use of a reference is needed. For complex things like a human, references can help a great deal. I have not done many digital human artworks without references. I guess the best way to organize is to create folders, my own reference library is just a ton of random things saved in one place though.
Premium corporate membership is not yet available for photo-reference-for-comic-artists.com, on our sister sites it's focused mainly on game developers and graphic studios which need a high range of various human and animal photo references. It contains all the photos from the regular membership in zip files + a lot of additional content and pre-made textures. At the moment we're at the preparations of this additional content to current offer. 153554b96e