A Concise Introduction To Logic Homework Answers
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If you care to compare, the success of your project will not hinge upon your own brilliance. If you think it is worth doing, think for a moment about all the things that went into your project. You had a clear, well-informed idea, you and your stakeholders, perhaps even a developer to help implement it. But you also had to figure out how to build it, organize your team, keep track of information, negotiate with your stakeholders, negotiate with the system providers, and so on. And once it was built, you had to choose and implement a development cycle, and then design the processes that would keep it running, and so on.
Each step requires a fair amount of skill for which you may not yourself be a strong candidate. Your concept must be workable, your demonstration able, your proof clear. You are unlikely to be ready for all of these without some onsite or online training in the basics of computer logic. If you don't know what these are, then enroll in coursework that explicitly covers them. This will take some time but it will ensure that you have a solid grasp of the skills necessary to start a project. You will remain able to explain your ideas, and your logic, to an unknown audience.
Don't be afraid to use more complex informal logic. Many of the rules, such as the inconsistency rule and the excluded middle rule, probably do not apply to engineering logic. Using more complex logic doesn't mean creating a more complicated system of reasoning. These rules help establish consistency across different parts of your project. The rules provide the basis for arguing, and explaining. By using such rules, you can demand that your stakeholders proceed in a reasonably consistent manner.
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