Bisar 30 Shell Software 11
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According to the damage characteristics of GMTL of IAP in cold regions, the strength control index is proposed combined with California Bearing Ratio (CBR), compressive strength (Rc), and the spatial attitude angel of aggregate obtained from a self-developed real-time data acquisition and processing system (RDAPS). RDAPS with small volume, low cost, and high precision is developed in this study. The system consists of wireless intelligent attitude aggregate (WIAA), analysis software, and hardware equipment, as shown in Figure 2.
According to the field survey, the main pavement distresses are top-down cracking and bottom-up cracking. The two types of cracking can be calculated using Pavement-Me software with the parameterized input level of Level 2 and Level 3. Pavement structure parameters are mentioned in Table 4. The parameter of material is expressed by dynamic modulus. The traffic parameter is the heavy traffic grade. The climate data can be obtained from the field survey and the meteorological data. The research in this part is designed to conduct a performance comparison. Hence, the default value is used for the correction factor of the MEPDG method [26]. The specific parameter is shown in Table 5.
Abstract: Pavement interlayer slipping in areas where the vehicle accelerates decelerates brakes or turns (e.g. toll gates, police check-points, and airport runways) are common in many developing countries. However conventional mechanistic empirical pavement designs do not consider the effect of horizontal shear load in their designs, rather they only consider vertical stress or normal load. This paper aims at exploring the effect of both vertical and horizontal shear load on the interface shear stress and subsequently the performance of pavements. The paper primarily two things: overloading and interface bonding state (contact state of pavement layers) on performance of pavement structures with respect to different loading conditions. Horizontal shear stress was considered as the main cause of pavement deformation in areas of constant vehicle braking. In this paper a stretch of 1km of Chengdu-Deyang- Nanbu expressway in Sichuan province of China was considered. This road section was a test section with three pavement configurations as follows: semi-rigid base pavement, flexible pavement and full depth asphalt pavement. Material properties of pavement layers were represented by layer thickness, elasticity of modulus and poison ratio. BISAR multilayer elastic theory computer programme was used to compute mechanical responses of pavements. EverFE (FEM) pavement software was also used to come up with graphical representations of overloaded pavements. It was concluded that the severe pavement damage in areas where vehicles accelerates or decelerates is as a result of both overloading and braking which increases level force at vehicle braking. Overloading crushes and densifies the aggregates in asphalt concrete mixture thereby reducing the air voids. Loss of air voids on the other hand result in loss of mixture stability and rutting due to build up of pore pressure in the mixture under traffic loading resulting in loss of strength and flow. Braking on the other hand increases shear stress at the interface hence rutting or permanent deformation occurs. When horizontal loading is applied by moving vehicle, a poor bond condition at the interface beneath the surface could cause slippage cracking or horizontal permanent deformations at the surfacing layer. Poor load transfer from the layer to the underlying layers caused by poor bond condition leads to a high stress concentration within the surfacing material. Slippage cracking will initiate at the top of the surface when the surfacing material is unable to withstand the induced horizontal stresses. The bonding condition was modeled with a range from weak bonding to strong bonding which represented the partial bonding condition as a realistic condition at interface between pavement layers. The standard shear spring compliance in BISAR software was used to represent this bonding condition. The results indicated that overloading coupled with poor bonding condition of pavement interface causes premature slipping of pavement
Using an elastic layered BISAR software which developed by SHELL, it is possible to make a model for the interface with partial condition. The designers of BISAR have developed the concept of Shear Spring Compliance to account for the relative displacements (slip) between pavement layers. The Shear Spring Compliance (AK) is the inverse of the shear reaction modulus at the interface between adjacent layers (Ks). The definition of the Shear Spring Compliance, AK, is given by:
In this approach the interface between two (horizontal) pavement layers is represented by an infinite thin inter-layer of which the strength is described by means of spring compliance. Physically it assumes that the shear stresses at the interface cause a relative horizontal displacement of the two layers, which is proportional to the stresses acting at the interface. In BISAR software, the bonding condition was varied from full bond (=0) to full slip (=1). However it should be noted that full slip is assumed as 0.99 (not exactly
In this study, top layers only were varied from 4cm, 5cm, 6cm,7cm 8cm,9cm upto 10cm. the other pavement layers were held constant. The friction coefficient of wheels and AC layer at emergent braking was taken as f=0.5 and BISAR software was used in computations
Pavement designs are a complexproblem and with all the sophistication and refinements, the calculatedsolutions remain an approximation. Using a particular software package withoutknowledge of the underlying theory and incorporated refinements can result inerroneous design recommendations. The use of two or three design methods for aparticular project will give differing results, after which engineeringjudgment should be used to determine the final structural designrecommendation.
Multi-layer analyses carried out in this research were accomplished using the program BISAR-PC originally delivered by Shell [14]. Characteristic features of the software are typical for the most of multi-layer linear elastic (MLLE) analysis tools; they include:
In spite of the great developments made in the user-friendliness of modern Finite Element software tools, they are still too complicated to be used in the routine structural design of pavement structures. Therefore, simplified design tools still incorporating the recognition of critical failure mechanisms typical for the non-traditional types of pavements structures are required.
This topic will be oriented toward techniques which can be used to interpret nondestructive testing, NDT, data from the Falling Weight Deflectometer, FWD. There are all kinds of NDT data which can be collected on or about pavements but concentration is placed on measured surface deflections. This article is separated into three broad themes: (1) an introduction, (2) indices for project analysis, and (3) fundamentals of backcalculation. The introduction will start with an overview of some of the deflection basic parameters that have been used in the past; although, some of the NDT equipment noted is rarely used today (such as the Dynaflect). This is followed by a discussion of some easy to use models to predict layer moduli that were developed by the University of Washington for the Washington State DOT (WSDOT). A short discussion on AASHTO developed models follows along with some of the work done in South Africa and companies such as the Shell Oil Co. The second theme will cover basic parameters which can be quite useful in analyzing existing pavement structures. The last theme focuses on the basics associated with backcalculation of layer moduli. These basics do not rely on specific software but do largely involve layered elastic analysis. 2b1af7f3a8