Buy Maschine
I have been using maschine the first day they sold it in stores working on Xp have all my plug in and no support for it very sad to see that have been a fan of NI for a long time to add a other price in to my life is very hard to do especially The time and transfer of all information comes relating to plug-ins I rather get one more piece of gear a MPC and more than likely will support all files and all programs and systems with the interface to plug my gear into for the same prize of getting the computer or get an machine studio so I think it from NI if it is the future it also has to support the past
The recommended, best value for money option to get the most out of the lessons here:Maschine Mikro Mk3 ($250)** When you buy this device second hand, please make sure the firmware is updated and you can switch midi-standalone mode on and off. When you don't own an official license to maschine software you might run into a problem otherwise. 59ce067264