Dixit Revelations Cards Pdf
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While the leader is deciding on the direction of the group, they read aloud the phrase that corresponds to the chosen card from their hand. The leader then places the card face-down in front of them and the next player is given a turn as leader. The leader then turns over the card in the center. They are only allowed to re-read or read aloud the phrase of the card they picked, and they must be able to tell which card is the correct one. They can use any combination of cards from their hand to make their guess. If they guess incorrectly, they have to exchange cards with the person sitting next to them, and so on. The leader keeps a record of the guesses they hear in order of what they chose. The game continues until all the cards are used or everyone has guessed once. The leader then reads the card that corresponds to their guess, and the person who guessed correctly picks up the other cards from the deck.
Many people have spent countless hours playing a variety of card games, but the players in this case are spending a couple of hours exchanging stories in a relaxing way. If you are familiar with such games, you will be able to identify which cards are for which stories.
Dixit is a simple game to play. You can draw, you can write a few words on the blank card and you can discard or return the card. You cannot erase the card and add new words. If you want you can laminate the cards for security. The cards are small and easy to manage. You can write and cut out a few. So, it is easy to organize the retrospective.
You will probably need to make some adjustments to the game based on your circumstances. You might need to get some protective sleeves for the Dixit cards. You might need to change the number of players. You can ask people for feedback. I hope you will find this game useful. 827ec27edc