Download Melodyne Bridge [PORTABLE]
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Now, what if you have a plugin that does not have a Midi Learn controller? I am going to tell you how to solve this problem using JBridge. The JBridge Plug (free version) is actually a bridge between a 32bit plug, and a 64bit host software, in this case, ableton live. And it can even bridge 32bit and 64bit plugins at the same time. This is a very useful plugin in many ways, not only can you use 64bit plugins inside 32bit host software, but you can also bridge 32bit plugins to 64bit host software as well.
And now to the good part. The Hudson EZ vst plugin. That is not a plug, what is it? It is an interface that you will use to give Hudson EZ the ability to communicate with your Ableton Live setup, allowing you to control the VST fx inside Ableton Live from your hardware controller. I thought it would be cool to have a big picture of how this is achieved, so i made this video. Hopefully this can help some of you who are having the same problem. This tutorial is a step by step procedure to set up the EZ vst plugin, from connecting it to Ableton Live, to bridging the vst fx to Ableton and assigning the two inside Ableton to control your hardware controller.
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