Croatia is considered a large nation due to its total area. Its total land area is 56,594 km² (about 21,851 mi²). The continental shelf of Croatia is approximately 50,277 km² (approximately 19,412 mi²). Croatia is in Europe. Europe is a continent whose borders date back to ancient times. European countries include the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Malta and the Vatican, among others. Croatia has 5 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia. Croatia is not a landlocked country. It means it is bounded by at least one major body of water. The average altitude range of Croatia is 331 m (1,086 ft).
Neighbors The total length of land borders of Croatia is 2237 kilometers (~864 miles). Croatia has 6 unique land borders with neighboring territories and shares land borders with 5 different countries. Croatia has 1 non-contiguous segment of land borders. This happens when a country has a border with a neighbor and that border is divided by a border with another neighbor. Croatia has 5 neighboring countries. Its neighbors include Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia. The lengths of land borders of Croatia with its neighboring countries are as follows:
Bosnia and Herzegovina - 932 km (579 mi), Hungary - 329 km (204 mi), Montenegro - 25 km (16 mi), Serbia - 241 km (150 miles), Slovenia - 670 km (416 miles).
Cities The capital of Croatia is Zagreb. The largest city in Croatia is Zagreb.
Elevation The average altitude range of Croatia is 331 m (1,086 ft). The highest point in Croatia is Dinara with an official elevation of 1831 m (6,008 ft). The lowest point in Croatia is the Adriatic Sea. The difference in altitude between the highest (Dinara) and lowest (Adriatic) point in Croatia is 1831 m (2 ft).
Area The total land area of Croatia is 56,594 km² (about 21,851 mi²). and the total Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is 59,032 km² (~22,792 mi²). The continental shelf of Croatia is approximately 50,277 km² (approx. 19,412 mi²). Including the landmass and the EEZ, the total area of Croatia is approximately 115,626 km² (~44,643 mi²). Croatia is considered a large nation due to its total area.
Forest and farmland 24,901 km² of Croatian territory is covered with forests, and forest areas make up 44% of the total land area. There are 14,566 km² of arable land in Croatia, which makes up 26% of the total area of the country.
Natural resources The most notable natural resources in Croatia are oil, some coal, bauxite, low-grade iron ore, calcium, gypsum, natural asphalt, silica, mica, clay, salt, hydroelectric power.
Climate of Croatia
The average annual temperature in Croatia is 10.9 °C. The average annual rainfall in Croatia is 1113 mm/year. Croatia emits 4.8 metric tons per capita of CO₂.