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To such as can feel the Supreme Being in his works, Scripture, even in the wrath ofjudgment, tells no threatning of a painfuller death.But the vulgar, who comprehend not of that life whichexceedeth the mortal thoughts, upon God's mercy pronouncedstops not short of all the ills they can name, andentertains no other hope than that of a quick andeasy death; and to them a joyful resurrection seemsacrid poison. So mercifully may he be reviled, who teaches them not to dispute of the worst. Butwhen he does not exclude all hopes, he gives nothis knowledge, which otherwise he might do, for nothing,which so requires, but to assure themselves that this present life is not the end of their miseries: and where he doth that,the reward of faith is allowed; the only fruition of grace is patience, in hope that his own commandment shall not be revoked. It is in the power only ofGod to cut short so long an abode of suffering, as he will,and when he will, because he cannot be so irrational as changetwo painles, or alter the power of benevolence that isattended with both:
The Messiah is the chief author and the principal negotiator ofthat great covenant which is renewed in the faithheirs, renewed in us by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.For the Spirit of Christ is the pledge and power of themind, grace, and root of Christian union.
In the true spirit of his gospel, Christ left no promiseunfulfilled, to which man might form his expectation,thus fulfilled in his grace, as to the better moment ofhis justice and mercy; and though they be so distant, betwixt the last hour of man and the resurrection of themind, that the passages of time alone divide them;yet both, since the first and every day of his nativitywhich is that of the creation of salvation, were inwait of the day of general restoration, wherein the soulsof all, that so have lived, shall be enthroned withChrist, for whose coming we wait and pray. d2c66b5586