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Overview of the experiment: a Phillips CM-100 calcium imaging system was combined with an Andor Ixon 887 camera to acquire 10-frame dwell time (1s) images in a single dark and light cycle cycle of 3 hours. The object is the smooth muscle cell in the ducts of the swimbladder in zebrafish. The zebrafish, Danio rerio, is a popular model organism for studying the development and physiology of the lung, kidney, and bladder. It is also a popular model for rapidly studying drugs and chemicals to treat a variety of diseases. We imaged the swimming larva in a full-well microscope stage at about 38-40oC. Each zebrafish was imaged inside a circular tube of airspace made with a glass pipette. Small amounts of dye and the fluorescent chemical, Lucifer yellow, was delivered to the larva by way of capillary action through a glass pipette. The injected microliters of dye are very small (6-10 nl). Using this technique, we have been able to reliably (i.e. consistently) image single cells in the ducts of the swimbladder, the fish's swim bladder.
Chordoid glioma of the third ventricle (CG3) is a rare, slowly-growing, developmental lesion of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis consisting usually of well-demarcated cysts of the third ventricular/suprasellar region.
Circular muscles of Danio rerio occur in the parietal layer of the so called superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) which is enveloped in the tunica muscularis during the later stages of embryogenesis in zebrafish. The structures arise from the lateral wall of the hindbrain. The presence of well-developed circular muscles is important from an evolutionary point of view as well as for practical reasons: they form a physical structure that protects the larva against attacks of predators. Circular muscles are found preferentially at the midline of the back of the body (trunk) and of the tail and may be regionalized, for example into ventral and dorsal longitudinal muscles. d2c66b5586