Jay-z The Black Album.zip !!LINK!!
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The album's best songs were penned in a similar way to the album's original concept, and that's not going to change: The Black Album is about Prince getting back in touch with his black roots, but at the same time it's far more than that.
The problem is that The Black Album was such a smart, deftly considered record at the time, and it's hard to imagine how it could have been anything but, given the right material. This isn't the right material. It's a retread of the sort of stuff that he's released over the past few years that's shown he still has plenty in the tank, and there's no new material here that could fill the gap. The best songs here remind us of how the very best songs from that period were, and without them, this is a little hard to get fully engaged with.
As with American Gangster, there are few covers on this album - just the one, in fact. While it wouldn't be the first time he'd do a cover version of a classic tune, this is the best version of anything, and it's a shame it wasn't included on a previous album. 'The Way You Make Me Feel', a song he's covered twice before, is still far and away his best: his version of the Etta James classic remains the most affecting piece of pop music ever to emanate from a rapper's mouth, while the original version is a static, cold-eyed and angry slab of R&B. And it's one of the best songs released in 2018.
Part of that, of course, is 'U Got The Look', arguably the album's biggest hit, the perfect balance of raunch and romanticism that's the signature of Prince. It's still the best record he's ever made, and it remains a career highpoint. But without it, there's precious little reason to revisit these songs now. The other cover, 'Chocolate Box', is a guilty pleasure, the obvious place to start if you want to hear a Prince song that doesn't feature any lyrics about sex, drugs, women and money. But it's a quality version, better than the original, and it doesn't match the urgency of anything else here.
But more than that, the album is also a celebration of Black culture. Songs like A Place Called Home, Blacks On Blues, Roc Boys (And the Winner Is...) and Roll With Me (Awww Baby) are all about moving away from a whiter, more mainstream ideal of blackness, reflecting the social environment of a younger generation, and making their own choices about how to best express themselves. On The Black Album, Jay-Hova proves that he's a master of this kind of song. Others have reached it too: Nas's Illmatic, Ice-T's OG: Original Gangster, Puff Daddy's No Way Out, Big Daddy Kane's Tribal Warfare, and Rakim's Paid in Full, to name but a few. But only Prince has done it in quite the same way.
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