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A: Upon death each item in inventory has 45% MCM menu set chance to be recovered for a small price of in-game currency (between 5 and 200)(Min and Max values set within MCM) (would love to change this up to 10% value of the item, but unfortunately I do not know much about the item code structure of Stalker, so cannot get item values). The Insurance only works if Player has more than 5000RU MCM set value. There is also a 25% MCM menu set chance value that player will be charged, even if the item was not recovered.
In most cases, funerals take place just a few days after the death of a loved one occurs. But is this the proper funeral etiquette Is there a certain period you should wait, or should the funeral be held as soon as possible What determines the length of time between the death and a funeral,
Lev Tolstoi, in his dunking about life, death, freedom, and immortality, drew significandy on the German philosophical tradition from Leibniz and Moses Mendelssohn to Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottfried Herder, and Friedrich Schleiermacher, as Lina Steiner argues in this article. Herder, who tried to salvage rationalism by getting away from the mechanistic metaphysics of the French Enlightenment and reintroducing the teleological explanation of nature, was a particularly important influence on Tolstoi. Herder's view of life, including both individual life and the life of community, as organic Bildung underlay the artistic conception of War and Peace, Tolstoi's first major fictional narrative. Tolstoi continued to develop this organicist paradigm in his later sociopolitical, religious, and aesthietic writings.
Although St. Thomas (d. 1274) was highly esteemed by all classes, his opinions did not at once gain the ascendancy and influence which they acquired during the first half of the fourteenth century and which they have since maintained. Strange as it may appear, the first serious opposition came from Paris, of which he was such an ornament, and from some of his own monastic brethren. In the year 1277 Stephen Tempier, Bishop of Paris, censured certain philosophical propositions, embodying doctrines taught by St. Thomas, relating especially to the principle of individuation and to the possibility of creating several angels of the same species. In the same year Robert Kilwardby, a Dominican, Archbishop of Canterbury, in conjunction with some doctors of Oxford, condemned those same propositions and moreover attacked St. Thomas's doctrine of the unity of the substantial form in man. Kilwardby and his associates pretended to see in the condemned propositions something of Averroistic Aristoteleanism, whilst the secular doctors of Paris had not fully forgiven one who had triumphed over them in the controversy as to the rights of the mendicant friars. The storm excited by these condemnations was of short duration. Blessed Albertus Magnus, in his old age, hastened to Paris to defend his beloved disciple. The Dominican Order, assembled in general chapter at Milan in 1278 and at Paris in 1279, adopted severe measures against the members who had spoken injuriously of the venerable Brother Thomas. When William de la Mare, O.S.F., wrote a \"Correptorium fratris Thomae\", an English Dominican, Richard Clapwell (or Clapole), replied in a treatise \"Contra corruptorium fratris Thomae\". About the same time there appeared a work, which was afterwards printed at Venice (1516) under the title, \"Correctorium corruptorii S. Thomae\", attributed by some to AEgidius Romanus, by others to Clapwell, by others to Father John of Paris. St. Thomas was solemnly vindicated when the Council of Vienna (1311-12) defined, against Peter John Olivi, that the rational soul is the substantial form of the human body (on this definition see Zigliara, \"De mente Conc. Vicnn.\", Rome, 1878). The canonization of St. Thomas by John XXII, in 1323, was a death-blow to his detractors. In 1324 Stephen de Bourret, Bishop of Paris, revoked the censure pronounced by his predecessor, declaring that \"that blessed confessor and excellent doctor, Thomas Aquinas, had never believed, taught, or written anything contrary to the Faith or good morals\". It is doubtful whether Tempier and his associates acted in the name of the University of Paris, which had always been loyal to St. Thomas. When this university, in 1378, wrote a letter condemning the errors of John de Montesono, it was explicitly declared that the condemnation was not aimed at St. Thomas: \"We have said a thousand times, and yet, it would seem, not often enough, that we by no means include the doctrine of St. Thomas in our condemnation.\" An account of these attacks and defences will be found in the following works: Echard, \"Script. ord. prad.\", I, 279 (Paris, 1719); De Rubeis, \"Diss. crit.\", Diss. xxv, xxvi, I, p. cclxviii; Leonine edit. Works of St. Thomas; Denifle, \"Chart. univ. Paris\" (Paris, 1890-91), I, 543, 558, 566; II, 6, 280; Duplessis d'Argentre, \"Collectio judiciorum de novis erroribus\" (3 vols., Paris, 1733-36), 1, 175 sqq.; Du Boulay, \"Hist. univ. Par.\", IV, 205, 436, 618, 622, 627; Jourdain, \"La phil. de S. Thomas d'Aquin\" (Paris, 1858), II, i; Douais, \"Essai sur l'organization des etudes dans l'ordre des ff. precheurs\" (Paris and Toulouse, 1884), 87 sqq.; Mortier, \"Hist. des maitres gen. de l'ordre des ff. prech.\", II, 115142, 571; \"Acta cap. gen. ord. praed.\", ed. Reichert (9 vols., Rome, 1893-1904, II; Turner, \"Hist. of Phil.\" (Boston, 1903), xxxix.
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They were pouring onto the ship through gaps in the line. Chryseis stood on the foredeck in a line of defending men, her bow singing death. Battle snarled about the mast, men against monsters, sword and halberd and ax belling in cloven bone.
They were settling down to a patient death watch. All the land had become silent waiting for Ryvan to die. It did not seem right that he should stand here among fragrant gardens and feel the warm western breeze on his face, not when steadfast Lluwynn and Boroda the Strong and gay young Kormak his comrade were ashen corpses with the women of Killorn keening over them. O Killorn, Killorn, and the lake of sunset, have their ghosts gone home to you Greet Morna for me, Kormak, whisper in the wind that I love her, tell her not to grieve.
She stood on a ledge, the heap of spears at her feet, looking down over the battle and chanting as she sent forth the flying death. He noticed even then how her hair was a red glory about the fine white loveliness of her head. 153554b96e