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7. As a memorial of the Lord's resurrection the Christians gave themselves up to new life in him; and so we also believe that, because of our resurrection from death to life, death itself is destroyed so that any human placed in the tomb will again be revived to the enjoyment of the divine blessing of eternal life which our Savior won for us. He therefore raised us to life, and by this we know that he will also raise us to everlasting life, since he is able to do this if it is his will, for he has the power to raise us from the dead (Acts 2:24-31, 33-36). Nor should we consider it an idle statement when we renew the feast of the Lord's day as a memorial of this powerful salvation. For we believe that at the same time this paschal festival gives us an everlasting portion of life in the divine teaching and fellowship which it fulfils, so that this celebration of the Lord's resurrection reminds us, through the communion of the chalice, of the love of God and the redemption that is ours through Christ (Rom. 6:3-5). All over the world, in fact, springs the celebration of the Lord's day, for at the present time there is everywhere a more cheerful life; and assuredly the dawn of a better day now draws near to us, in which we shall understand that the new life in Christ is the common possession of all humanity (Jms. 1:12-18).
In the universal Church, with the growth of grace and love, the feast of Easter has become the most solemn and most joyous of all festivals (cf. Rom. 8:2). Long ago remarked the Father of our Lord, when he said, "Our feast is this day". This is a festival in the service of which we should ever sustain the renewal of our Lord's resurrection! d2c66b5586