[S6E15] Oh Honey
LINK ===> https://urllie.com/2tkCrG
With Marshall living with his mother Judy for a while due to his father's recent death, he is forced to hear of the gang through phone calls while Judy eavesdrops on his conversations, and is glad to hear of an interesting story developing between Ted and Zoey. Robin explains that it began when Zoey offered to hook up Ted with her cousin (Katy Perry). Future Ted is unable to remember her name, and simply refers to her as \"Honey\", due to the fact she is endearingly gullible, prompting people to say \"Oh, honey\" to her in a chiding tone. At MacLaren's, Ted and Honey appear to be hitting it off, although Barney is also clearly enamored of her. Ted decides to let Barney leave with Honey, later confessing to Robin that he has fallen in love with Zoey. Knowing that such love is forbidden as Zoey is married to The Captain, Ted holds an intervention for himself, deciding that he should stop being friends with Zoey. The others do not want to lose Zoey as a friend, and convince Ted to get over his feelings for her.
One night, when Robin was making dinner for the gang, Ted passes a bottle of ketchup to Zoey which she drops, smashing it. Although Ted asks her to go out to buy a new bottle, Ted agrees to go out and get it himself. In return Zoey sets him up with her hot cousin, whose name Future Ted can't remember but refers to her as Honey, as she is sweet yet extremely naive causing characters to repeatedly say \"oh honey\" to her. 59ce067264