Soldner Secret Wars Full Game Download
One member of the community has provided us excellent information on several possible and actively used exploits. We have fixed all of them with the new patch 33982. If you know any exploits still possible with 33982, you can assume we are not aware of them. Please report them by direct message in Discord to Huffel or by mail to the soldnersecretwars support E-Mail address - Thank you!
Söldner/Marine Corps is all about multiplayer. There is a huge selection of maps with different terrains, vegetation-and climate zones. Fight on the ground, he and under water or in the air. The ingame-time is fully adjustable, so you can fight at sunrise, afternoon, at midnight or any other time in between. The server administrators can use any daytime in combination with any weatherconditions they like, or let the time progress automatically after each round played. These weathersettings allow drastic changes of atmosphere and conditions on the battlefield.
So in this patch there are a lot of bugfixes and some rebalancing was done as well.If you have version 33900 or a newer version you only need to install the patch. If you have an older version or even don't have it yet, download the Full Installer. Both downloads will be available either on ModDB or at Here you can see the full changelog:
First of all you need the server software which can be downloaded on the homepage ( =files&action=view&id=37)In the Bin folder of the game there should be a .bat file with something like LAN in it, with that file you start the server.To configure your server type localhost:7890 in your browser window. The default password is "soldnerserver" (without "). All the rest should be self explaining.(Thx to Schranzkopp for the explanation ^^)
This still isn't a real war,real wars are no fun i'll tell you ( some weapons should be more effective than they are in the game) there's still some room for nit picking but what game doesn't. but you can ask yourself the question, "... but is it any realistic, doe it feel like real war on my computer screen ? "my answer to you is, closer than any other game to date.
Although the game will support 128 players on special servers, most games will have a max of 32, so the vastness of the world could be even more problematic. Thankfully, Wings is not aiming for a hardcore war simulation, and has done everything in its power to make it a fun experience. The team mentions Counter-Strike and Flashpoint as two of its biggest influences - which should make any gamer sit up and take notice.
Actually, compared to what's gone before, this German-crafted game adds many a welcome feature that, in theory, might improve the likes of Battlefield a great deal more. The buildings are all fully destructible, a shell fired at the ground leaves a crater for troops to huddle in and there's a very powerful command feature that means one player can order and keep track of his team-mates - even issuing them with equipment should they request it.
Unreal Tournament 2004 has been patched to version 3270, fixing plenty of bugs and making various changes to Onslaught mode, menus, networking, demo recording and general gameplay. Blah blah blah. It's probably best if you consult the readme for specific details, our brains are a bit slow this afternoon (must be all the ants). Oh, and you can download the 12MB patch here.
Speaking of downloads, today also marks the release of a pair of war-related offerings, namely Codename: Panzers, which is now available in multiplayer demo form, and Soldner - Secret Wars, which you can also get your hands on now. We don't have much to say about either, although in the case of Soldner, one of our reviewery chums said it was the funniest game he'd ever played for all the wrong reasons, some of which were so funny we've forgotten what they were.
PS Plus Premium, the top tier, packs in all of the benefits of the two memberships below it and throws in extra games from the PS3, PS2, PSP, and PlayStation libraries. It's worth noting that PS3 games will be available via streaming only and the rest of the library can be accessed through a mix of downloading and streaming options. 2b1af7f3a8